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Nokia - Connecting..... Earth to Moon ?

Nokia has always been nostalgic for the general population, but, after it got defeated by the iPhone in 2007, it has been almost dead,

Until now.

Nokia is starting a revolution and going to the moon to establish a strong 4g network to boost up the speed and communications between the astronauts


About the mission

Nokia has been given a second life by Nasa - in a recent $14.1m contract, awarded to Nokia’s US subsidiary, which is part of Nasa’s Artemis programme which aims to send the first woman, and next man, to the moon by 2024.

OK, let's talk about the Artemis mission now. 

NASA plans to send the next man and first woman to the lunar surface . The last time NASA sent humans to the Moon was in 1972, during the Apollo lunar mission.

And I am very happy to be a part of this space era. 

The Finnish equipment manufacturer said it was selected by Nasa to deploy an “ultra-compact, low-power, space-hardened” wireless 4G network on the lunar surface, as part of the US space agency’s plan to establish a long-term human presence on the moon by 2030. But unlike 4G networks on Earth, which are powered by giant cell towers and radios, Nokia will construct the lunar network with small cell technology, which provides limited communication ranges but requires far less power than cell towers and is easier to transport in a spaceship.

Why you should be excited

Nokia’s network will provide critical communications capabilities for tasks astronauts will need to carry out, like remote control of lunar rovers, real-time navigation and high-definition video streaming, the company said. The equipment includes a base station, antennas and software and is designed to withstand harsh launches and lunar landings and extreme conditions in space. This is going to be very important for us and our future, as high- speed internet will be vital for communication from earth to moon and moon to moon communication The network is built to be compact and efficient, as well as "specially designed to withstand the extreme temperature, radiation and vacuum conditions of space.

One day, bigger and bigger colonies will be there on the moon, and in the near future, on MARS. All this is a vital development for the betterment of the human race,
And maybe, one day, WE will end up on mars, and we cant live without internet...



Unknown said…
Very well articulated and it is insightful to know lot of things about future of communication. Keep writing and I really liked it
Vinayesh Bomma said…
Way to go guys. Very interesting and am looking forward to more such insightful articles
Unknown said…
The content is really amazing. Good job, keep writing.
Balram Bomma said…
Amazing and intersting inputs. Keep sending more such articles.
ravikanth said…
Futuristic and good going

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