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How Starship will change the world

By Dhravya Shah and Sushant Pulipati
We all have dreamt of seeing humans on Mars one day. Well, there is one man who will surely get us there.
Elon musk. 

Elon Musk

What would you do if you are a millionaire and a vision to change the world? 
Of course, you would make a space company with only 1 dream - GET TO MARS

This is how Starship will change humanity - FOREVER

Starship is a rocket, designed by space company SpaceX. If it becomes successful, it will be by far the most efficient rocket ever designed. Why? Well, 

Imagine if you have a paper aeroplane, you throw it once, and then you have to throw it in the dustbin,
Waste of resources, RIGHT?
You use your energy, time and paper to make an aeroplane, just to throw it once?

That's where reusability comes in. 
Normally, rockets are flown once and then thrown away in the ocean. All space companies do this. 
EXCEPT for SpaceX. 
SpaceX has been reusing the first stage of their rockets (Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy) from 3 years now. And it's getting even better. 

Falcon 9 landing

With Starship, reusing both stages will be possible - the first booster, and the orbital second stage. 
That way, all that the company needs to pay for each launch is only the cost of fuel, which makes spaceflight much affordable.

Starship SN8 prototype to launch

With affordable spaceflight, reaching Mars and making colonies there is much easier. 

Currently, Starship is in development, and the first achievement is very close - the 15 km hop. I suggest all the readers watch the launch and landing of that 15 km hop that Starship (sn 8) will make. It will be thrilling to watch.


(subscribe to my blog and do comment if you liked it) 


good attempt
do about nasa's mission of tomorrow
Dhravya Shah said…
Sure! I will do it today itself
Unknown said…
keep going and giving us such informatics
Kavish Jain said…
School mein bethe bethe ye hi kaam karo achaa hai timeless o hota hai.Aur likhπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜œ
Shruti said…
very informative and something to pay attention to.. well written!

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